John Park

Mohammed Awaian Al-Hajri, chairman of Fusion Dynamics and John Park, chairman of JP3E

Personal Info

John K Park, MBA, MA, General Partner of JP Energy partners LLC ( / Partner of EPICESG ( / Financing partner of development Recon Services LLC / Founder and owner of Honors Review Princeton LLC, and KBG Global LLC / Partner of PiEco LLC.  John earned an MA in Economics at Sungkyunkwan University and began his professional career at the Hyundai Group’s Research institution as an Economic Analyst.

Upon completion of his MBA at Rutgers University, he worked on Wall Street, executing hedging positions for his clients in the US futures and securities markets. In 2001, he embarked on his entrepreneurial journey by founding California-based technology company, Ximeta, Inc. During his time there, he raised over $15 million dollars in venture capital and effectively managed and utilized his company’s portfolio of patents. In 2008, he went on to co-found IOCELL networks, Corp and made the company profitable by 2010.

His entrepreneurial spirit and his passion to help others ultimately let John into the world of Education. Currently he manages an elite consulting and education preparation business. Honors review (, which has helped numerous students reach their academic goals and gain acceptance to America’s most prestigious institutions. John has also been developing a program called “Deep Roots” to assist foreign families who are moving to America.

With his expertise in serving international families, John has begun a real estate fund and has developed many student-housing and multi-family complexes in numerous developing markets in New Jersey as developer of Recon Services LLC ( since 2014. His dynamic experiences and tireless spirit provide him with a wealth of insight and knowledge that enables him to help any client that seeks his services. John has completed three student housing development projects for the last 7 years; and two more development projects of the total valuation of $70 million dollars are in process by completing $36 million dollars as c-loan. As of August 2023, John Park is offering 100,000,000 REIT for building up 450 student apartments at Rutgers and completing the capitalization for building up 54 beds with the valuation of 6.8M upon completion in Kokomo Indiana, USA of Samsung SDI’s vendors residence. John has completed the offering of EB5 project of which CapEx is $355M with 125M EB% funding program at ATC, SC USA.

In 2018, John founded KBG Global LLC (, which is a Korean style fast food franchise. He brought 6 KBG Korean fast food franchises to New Jersey and another KBG branch to Europe ( in Bonn, Germany. John also partnered PiEco LLC (, which provides the clean energy solutions by turning plastics into energy. John is leading the energy project to Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle east. Extending his relationship in the Energy industry, John partnering with Kyle, established JP Energy Partners LLC ( on June 19, and funded $1.2M as capital equity in power plants in Korea, Germany and Chile.

JP3E Energy Vision

To be a solution partner who creates a happy society by developing a clean and comfortable living environment through continuous innovation.

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